Liturgical Mystagogy and New Evangelization
In his last encyclical: Ecclesia de Eucharistia, St. John Paul II clearly declared that the Eucharist is the source and summit of evangelization. One of the bridges that link both of those realities: liturgy and new evangelization, is mystagogy, which is also called liturgical formation or catechesis. This article aims at presenting how the mystagogy of the ancient Church functioned, and how we can use this method today in new evangelization. Also, we wish to show that mystagogy is not just a way of explaining liturgical rituals, but it also enables the faithful to experience what is being celebrated. In this sense, mystagogy also aims at transmitting and building faith, which is why each proclamation of the kerygma should be mystagogical and each mystagogical catechesis should be kerygmatic.
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