Sharing in the Eucharistic Sacrifice of Christ
Staying in the stream of the pastoral program of the Church in Poland, which is carried out under the slogan “Gathered at the Holy Supper,” the content of the article focuses on the analysis and synthesis of the documents of the Magisterium of the Church and theological publications on the Eucharistic sacrifice. First, the article discusses the Eucharistic making present of the sacrifice of the Cross as a gift of glorified Christ, and then draws attention to the active participation of the faithful in the Eucharistic making present of Calvary. The context of God’s mercy in the Eucharistic Sacrifice is also emphasized. The climax of the article is the interpretation of the eschatic dimension of the Eucharist, confirmed by the testimony of the life of Christians, joining in the sacrifice of Christ and in his death and resurrection, which result in the perfect joy of the saved in heaven.
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