Expectations of Divorced Catholics Living in New Relationships Towards Pastoral Accompaniment

Keywords: pastoral accompaniment, discernment, divorced Catholics, irregular situations


Pastoral accompaniment should be inspired by the love of God. It plays a particularly important role in ministering to Catholics who are divorced and living in new relationships. The article presents the expectations of divorced Catholics living in new relationships towards pastoral accompaniment, based on research conducted in Poland. It also contains pastoral conclusions. Respondents expect pastoral accompaniment to understand their situation, personal reasons and reasons for living in a new relationship, to discern the possibility of receiving absolution and Holy Communion, to organize retreats, to help them open up to God’s love, and to support them in forgiving themselves and others. The answer to these expectations should be a parish ministry that allows for personal communication, gentle and respectful treatment and gradual integration into the life of the parish. This approach can inspire hope, trust and openness towards the Church. Reception, accompaniment and spiritual discernment enables gradual integration into the community of the Church.


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