Family as a Determinant of Aggresive Behavior in Children with Intellectual Disorders
The article talks about the causes of aggressive behavior in children with intellectual disabilities of different age. It has been noted that behavioral disorders in children with intellectual disabilities occur in 25% -84% of cases, and the development of both positive and negative traits depends directly on family upbringing and education in the family. The study of the social situation of development of children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities confirmed the presence of predominantly negative characteristics of the social, cultural, educational and professional status of families in which children with intellectual disabilities are raised, which can be a source of influence that contradicts social norms. Unfavorable conditions in families of children with intellectual disabilities, lack of behavior, disability of proper behavior from parents, demonstration of aggressive behavior in the family and ensuring its support also cause aggressive tendencies in the behavior of this category of children.
It has been found that unfavorable family situation, conflicting in children with intellectual disabilities increases with age, reaching the highest level before adolescence.
It is proved that negative perception of a child with intellectual disturbance of a family situation, lack of emotional connections between family members, feeling of rejection and rejection of a child by adult family members causes not only manifestations of aggression, but also formation of aggressive behaviors.
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