Body dissatisfaction and psychosocial variables associated with eating disorders

  • Anna Brytek-Matera University of Silesia in Katowice
  • Edyta Charzyńska University of Silesia in Katowice
Keywords: body dissatisfaction; self-esteem; anger expression; locus of control; depression; anxiety; eating disorders


The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between body dissatisfaction and personality variables among anorexic and bulimic women. Method: 109 patients with a DSM-IV-based diagnosis of anorexia (n = 65) or bulimia nervosa (n = 44) were examined. The control group consisted of 65 healthy women. The Body Dissatisfaction subscale of the Eating Disorders Inventory, Self- -Esteem Inventory, the Self-Expression and Control Scale, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and the Internal Powerful Others and Chance Scale were used in the study. Results: Body dissatisfaction, anger out, external control and belief in chance were significantly lower in the anorexic group as compared to the bulimic group. Additionally, the women suffering from anorexia had significantly higher family self-esteem and internal control. In the clinical sample of female adolescents suffering from anorexia, a correlation was found between body dissatisfaction and: age (r = 0,440; p<0,01), family self-esteem (r = -0,433; p<0,01) and professional self-esteem (r = -0,412; p<0,01). However, the body dissatisfaction in patients with bulimia nervosa was related to anger out (r = 0,434; p<0,01), anger out control (r = 0,350; p<0,01), general self-esteem (r = -0,438; p<0,01) and family self-esteem (r = -0,364; p<0,05). Conclusion: In the population suffering from anorexia and bulimia nervosa, the slim silhouette was found to be an important factor affecting self-image. Body dissatisfaction should be regarded as one of many factors influencing the development of psychopathology of eating disorders.

Author Biography

Edyta Charzyńska, University of Silesia in Katowice

studentka V roku psychologi


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