The effect of emotions on evaluation and memory of print advertisement: An empirical study in the backward framing paradigm

  • Andrzej Falkowski SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw
  • Alicja Grochowska SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw
Keywords: memory distortion; emotional network; advertisement


The study consisted of two parts. In the first part, the influence of emotions on evaluation of advertisement and on memory of brand claims has been examined. The second part was designed in the backward framing paradigm: memory distortions of ad evaluation and of brand claims have been examined in the conditions of weak and strong emotions, depending on the strength of emotions elicited by the ad. The study was designed in the 2x3 paradigm. Two contexts of ad perception: addirected and brand-directed processing, and three ads: autobiographical appealing to positive memories, autobiographical appealing to negative memories, and non-autobiographical, were used. Another form of advertisement was used as a post event information. The results showed the influence of autobiographical ad on emotions elicited by the ad and on evaluation of ad and brand. Memory of ads eliciting stronger emotions was less distorted than in the case of ads eliciting weaker emotions.


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