Personality correlates of temporal competence: The interpretation of canonical analysis results
The objective of research was to establish the range of interdependence between temporal competence (as measured by Temporal Competence Inventory developed by Uchnast and Tucholska) and selected psychological variables measured by Questionnaire of the Sense of Coherence (SOC-29) developed by Antonovsky, Adjective Check List (ACL) by H. G. Gough and A. B. Heilbrun, Revised NEO Personality Inventory developed by P T. Costa and R. R. McCrae. The procedure of canonical analysis was used to analyze the data collected during the study from a group of 239 students. It follows from the presented analyses that the way of experiencing time and the person’s attitude to time in its three dimensions remain in evident linkage to intrapsychic and interpersonal functioning. Therefore, temporal competences can be treated as predictors of efficient and adequate functioning.
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