Altruism and its measurement – The Questionnaire A–N

  • Jacek Śliwak Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: altruism; measure of intensity of altruism; experimental research of altruism based on self-description


The paper focuses on the issue of the measurement of the intensity of altruistic behaviours. An altruistic behaviour is understood as a conscious and voluntary act for the benefit of other persons. The performer does not expect any external rewards since providing aid is a value itself. Measurement of altruistic behaviours has two traditions in the relevant literature. One is associated with experimental research concerning social situations, the other is connected with testing based on self-reports. This paper resorts to the latter tradition and describes the process of constructing a questionnaire to measure altruism. Before constructing the questionnaire other similar existing tools were reviewed (cf. Karyłowski 1982a; Szuster 2002). The Questionnaire A – N consists of two parts. Part one contains nine stories, each with six answers provided to reflect various degrees of intensity of the altruistic attitude. Part two contains eight stories. In part two, the examined person has to indicate on the 7-point Likert-type scale to what extent he/she agrees with the decision made by a character of each story. The total score is the sum of the scores obtained in both parts. It can range from 17 to 110, where the lower pole indicates lack of altruism and the higher pole – the highest level of altruism. The article presents psychometric properties of the questionnaire – its reliability and validity. The results show that this questionnaire is a valid tool in predicting a wide range of altruistic behaviours and reliability coefficients also prove its high reliability.


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