The Conditional Respect for Persons with Disabilities Questionnaire (CRPD-Q)
Conditional respect reflects a positive evaluation based on internalized normative assumptions (Reykowski). This evaluation may be operationalized in the form of verbal judgments, which enables the use of the questionnaire technique. The opinions on the conditions of gaining and losing respect for adults with disabilities, collected with the participation of 32 competent judges, enabled the development of a set of test items, indicating the dispositional orientation of conditional respect. The collected research material based on a sample of 323 respondents assessing the significance of various forms of disabled people’s activity to the increase or decrease in the respect they enjoy in social perception was subjected to exploratory factor analysis (with Varimax rotation). Scree plot analysis indicated the presence of two factors: the first one positive and the second one negative. A detailed examination of the items in the light of the theory of normative assumptions (Reykowski) revealed five categories: Individual Productivity, Individual and Collective Synergy (Factor I), as well as Individual Receptiveness and Antagonism (Factor II). The analysis of stability confirmed the repeatability of 29 items, and the internal consistency (Cronbach’s α) of the items for the identified categories of normative beliefs ranges from .73 to .83. Therefore, the CRPD-Q meets the basic validity and reliability criteria of the measurement of conditional respect for adults with disabilities – overall conditional respect and its various aspects. Finally, the instructions for estimating and interpreting the scores are presented and further challenges involved in the development of the measure are signaled.
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