“Who is the controller?” Agent, consciousness and “self” in light of contemporary cognitive psychology

  • Joanna Trzópek Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Keywords: cognitive sciences; agent; will; agency; consciousness; automatic processes; implicit cognition; apparent mental control; cognitive unconsciousness


Categories such as: “consciousness”, “self’, “agent” - after decades of absence - regain recognition as a specific novelty in the field of cognitive psychology (cognitive sciences and related disciplines: social cognition, cognitive neuroscience, social neuroscience, etc.). In this context, a particular approach towards the person and the nature of his/her actions emerges. The main mark of this approach seems to undermine our commonsense convictions on the man’s functioning as a conscious agent who controls the course of his actions according to his conscious plans, intentions or will: an increasing amount of evidence indicates that complex processes responsible for human behavior do not require awareness; an important class of these unconscious processes is automatic: we are only aware of some of their effects. The text provides a number of empirically grounded arguments (advanced especially in the field of social cognition and neuroscience) in favor of the thesis mentioned above. Some evidence confirms a significant role of so called “cognitive unconsciousness” in various complex mental processes, although this raises some questions. Just to name some of the key difficulties: Who (if not the conscious "I”) is the controller of one S own behavior and who guides it? What do we need consciousness for? What is the role of human sense of agency and a subjective experience of the will? And finally, to bring forward the fundamental one: can a scientific theory deal with the category of an ‘agent as such ’?


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