Theory of Education in Academic Activities of Professor Teresa Kukołowicz

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Alina Rynio


In the article submitted for publication I make an attempt to find the answer to four questions: 1. What is the relationship of biography of Teresa Kukołowicz with her concept of education? 2. What elements constitutes its educational theory? 3. What is the reason for taking up educational activities? 4. What are her most important achievements in the field of educational theory? While looking for answers to the above mentioned questions in the first part of the publication it will be revealed the beginnings of Professor Kukołowicz’s research in pedagogy; terminological problems related to understanding of education; areas of education; understanding the purpose of education, its addressees and the educational bodies. It has been also pointed out the involvement of Professor Kukołowicz in the pedagogy of the Catholic University of Lublin and the work for the reactivation of pedagogy in the Catholic University of Lublin. In the second part, in view of her key achievements in the field of educational theory, I focus my analysis on defining the relation of the theory of upbringing to general pedagogy and social pedagogy, searching for and understanding the reasons for undertaking educational activities; developing the profiles of selected educators and their concept of education; tackling issues of norms and rules of education; analysis of statements about the educator as a subjective cause of education; finally, the responsibility of families, states and schools in the process of education.

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