Timeliness of the Pedagogic Edmund Bojanowski in Nurseries the Order of Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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Agata Marcelina Zoń


From the beginning nursing education in the Assembly nurseries, the sisters have benefited from the wealth of pedagogic its founder, blessed. Edmund Bojanowski. On this basis, it was “the pre-school pedagogical concept. Edmund Bojanowski” implemented in the nurseries Sisters of the Order in Poland and beyond its borders (Bolivia) and other public and non-public nursery schools. Surveys carried out among parents and teachers implementing the program in the pedagogical work with children kindergarten confirmed the timeliness and effectiveness of pedagogic Bojanowski.

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Author Biography

Agata Marcelina Zoń

Nauczycielka w Ochronce Zgromadzenia Sióstr Służebniczek BDNP Przedszkole Publiczne


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Opiela, M., Kaput, M., Piekarz, E., Kornobis, A., Zymróz, Z., Chudzik, S. (2015). Program wychowania przedszkolnego według koncepcji pedagogicznej bł. Edmunda Bojanowskiego. Wydanie II, uzupełnione i rozszerzone. Dębica: Zgromadzenie Sióstr Służebniczek BDNP.
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