Integral Human Upbringing in the Pedagogical Concept of Edmund Bojanowski

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Maria Loyola Opiela


Pedagogical concept of Edmund Bojanowski indicates the way of integral human being development from an early age in the perspective of its whole life and eternal happiness. The crucial goal of upbringing is integral development of human being aiming at achievement of human and Christian maturity. Bojanowski he perceives great meaning of upbringing process in the whole context of religious connotations, and relations with the nature, and with history. In his upbringing he accepted the biblical concept of man and the resulting truth about the essence of human life, its aim and laws of development. He used broad experience of human mankind and its accomplishments in the area of philosophy, literature and developing pedagogy. He picked up everything which was the most valuable and suitable for the specificity of human development, its nature and social environment.

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