Paternal Attitudes in the Context of Aggressive Behaviour by Young People

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Małgorzata Sitarczyk


This study focuses on analysing the correlations between how young people perceive the upbringing attitudes of their father and the degree of their proneness to react with aggression in various social situations.

This research problem was the basis for describing the role of the father in shaping the personality and behaviour of children (sons and daughters), and the impact of the upbringing attitudes of the father on aggressive behaviour among adolescents.

A study based on a group of 123 middle school students has confirmed that such paternal attitudes as inconsistency and unfounded excessive demands underlie the inappropriate behaviour of sons and daughters, including verbal and indirect aggression.

The correlations described in the analysis between the perception of the upbringing attitudes of fathers and the intensity of the aggressive behaviour of their sons and daughters have fully confirmed the directions and interdependencies in the father-child relations which were described and analysed in studies conducted in the 1960s.

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