Upbringing and Child Education in the Spirit of Christian
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A child who enters life as parents and educators is a great gift. It is necessary to constantly discover the value of this precious gift that is also a great mystery. Baby for its healthy development needs to be accepted and loved above all. Nowadays, it distorts the fundamental importance of marriage and family. Increasingly, the faithful Christians and destroy their original meaning. The desire for God is inscribed in the human heart, because man is created by God and for God. God does not cease to attract man to himself and only in God finds a man of truth and happiness that constantly looking for the ultimate reason for human dignity lies in man's vocation to communion with God. The child must be since its birth molded versatile that from it grew a moral and respectable man who once stand as family and social life, will be able to care for themselves, will be able to distinguish good from evil, beauty from bad taste and will was able to positively used in personal and family life.
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