Temperament and Achiving Sporting Goals

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Blanka Magier
Piotr Magier


This is a theoretical and empirical study. It is dedicated to sport psychology. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of temperament traits on achieving goals in sport. In the first part we present information about the examined phenomena, examples of the theory and selected tasks of sport psychology. Temperament has been shown in the context of J. Strelau’s Regulatory Theory of Temperament. Research on goals has been applied with reference to the division proposed by Z. Zaleski. Our own research has been carried out on the basis of the theory of temperament and goals. The following tools were used in the study: Formal Characteristics of Behavior questionnaire − Temperament Inventory (FCZ-KT) and Achieving Goals Survey (KCEL). In the second part we present the data and we analyze the results of the study. As a result we have identified the relationship between temperamental traits in athletes and their orientation toward goals. The results in question showed differences in temperament among people who are involved in sports and those who are not, in connection to achieving goals. The results of our research are presented in this study.

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