Preparation of Future Teachers for Guardianships and Upbring Work with Children

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Oresta Karpenko


In the current conditions in the Ukrainian society is growing guardianship and upbring work in school aimed at caring attitude towards pupils, help in realizing their needs, creating appropriate conditions for education and training, and to ensure their safety and well-being. The main importance is the training of future teachers to realization of guardianships and educational activities of various types of educational institutions. To be ready for vocational training of scientists is seen as a complex socio-pedagogical phenomenon that includes a set of individual psychological personality traits and system of professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills that ensure the success of guardianships and upbring educational functions (analytical, predictive, organizational coordinating and communication). We believe the main condition is reforming teacher education. This position is determined by the big economic interests and polilcultural interests of educators, more attractive the idea of movement of Ukraine to the world educational standards.

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