Parents-in-Law Role Crisis. Ways of Solving the Crisis in the Light of Erik Ericson’s Theory

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Weronika Juroszek


In this paper author analyses the role of parents-in-law in the light of Erik Ericson’s theory on psychosocial development. The beginning of the parents- in-law role starts in the second stage of adulthood. During this stage one confronts the generativity-stagnation crisis. It is assumed that the parents-in-law role is the ground for the crisis. This role includes: adaptation to smaller influence on family relations, accepting the son-in-law (daughter-in-law), raising the grand-children, and accepting a possible lack of gratitude from the side of the children. It is emphasized that the process may be more difficult for women. Author concludes that a role of a parent-in-law is easier for these people who deliberately decide to raise next generations.

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