The Method of Picture Analysis in the Diagnosis of Emotional Disorders of Mentally Handicapped Children

  • Anna Wysokińska-Obacz


The fact that mentally handicapped children have some emotional disorders makes it an important task to find an appropriate diagnostic instrument in qualifying examinations which would enable the examiner to recognize the disorders. The problem of the diagnosis is a very complicated one in this case. So far K. Nihira’s, R. Forster’s, E. Doll’s and S. Bühler’s observational scales have been used, but these required a good competence on the side of the observer. In practice, apart from the techniques considered as instruments of the diagnosis {e.g. the picture-of-the-man test, house-tree-man test) little more is said on the subject of the importance of the child’s artistic abilities for determining its emotional disorders.

In the present paper an attempt has been made to answer the question of whether an analysis of child’s pictures can meet the conditions required for an instrument used to a diagnosis of the troubles in emotional adaptation of a mildly mentally handicapped child. The author reviews the examinations made for the 1st and 2nd grade children of a primary school.
