From secularization to the return of religion to public life: word trends in developments of sociology of religion with attention to the role of Lublin school of sociology of religion in Poland

Keywords: sociology of religion; sociology of religion in Poland; Lublin school of sociology of religion; classics of sociology of religion; secularization; public religion


The article present crucial points in development of sociology of religion, and the role of research conducted at Catholic University of Lublin is presented at this background. The first faze is presented by achievements of classics in the field, Emilé Durkheim i Max Weber, who their understanding of religion implemented to the holistic concepts of society. They also in their theories observed some elements of secularization process, that later were developed by the next generations of sociologists of religion. Author thesis is that theories of secularization were formative for development of the reflection on the changing social role of religion and had an impact on further theories of religion, including the influential concept of José Casanova about the return of religion to public life.

The role of sociologist from the Catholic University of Lublin, known as school of sociology of religion from Lublin, is presented on this background. Achievements of the main figures, such as fr. Franciszek Mirek, fr. Józef Majka, fr Władysław Piwowarski and fr. Janusz Mariański, with taking into account influence of their research on sociology of religion in Poland.


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