Consequences of the War in Ukraine in Food, Economic and Energy Dimensions
The Russian invasion of Ukraine was a turning point for world security, the international economy and the global energy architecture. In a globalized world that is interdependent, it is impossible to narrow a war like this to one region. We cannot keep its impact within one country or eliminate one country from fragility in supply chains. This new type of hybrid war, including a major humanitarian crisis, economic hardship, as well as disinformation and propaganda campaigns, geopolitical tensions over energy supplies, and the threat of a nuclear war, will have far-reaching implications. The article is an attempt to indicate that the Russian invasion of Ukraine will have far-reaching consequences in various areas: the situation has turned into a humanitarian crisis, has created instability in food and energy security, and raises the question of the architecture of global security. According to the author, these challenges will not be limited only to Ukraine, but due to the globalized world in which we live, they will pose challenges all over the world.
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