A Young Man Does Not Smell Contemporary: On Portraying Characters in Jan Komasa’s Film Based on ‘Corpus Christi’, ‘Warsaw 44’ and ‘Suicide Room’
The purpose of this article is to show the genre continuity of portraiture in the next medium and to identify its new features and elements based on three pictures directed by Jan Komasa: Corpus Christi, Warsaw 44, and Suicide Room. The research used content analysis, comparative analysis, and analysis of the structure of the film work. The semantic trend indicating the importance of portrayal in the film was also used. The above analysis showed that film portraiture based on elements of film language still has much in common with classical painting or photographic portraiture. It characterizes the protagonist, his likeness, and description, and at the same time, the action of the film is a dramatic element. The way it is used reinforces the aesthetic and genre style of the film story, and portraits are not only a registration of the character's image but have artistic functions.
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