Manifestations of the Parentification Phenomenon Among Ukrainian Children as a Result of Migration and Exile
The aim of the paper is to provide an initial answer to the question: What factors favor and what can prevent the phenomenon of role reversal (parentification) in Ukrainian refugee families living in Poland? In the first part of the study, the parentification process was explained, then the genesis of the outbreak of hybrid war in Ukraine was presented. The next part of the text presents the methodology of qualitative exploratory research – an indepth interview conducted among Ukrainian mothers and an expert interview among therapists involved in helping Ukrainian families. A comparative analysis of the discussed context with selected cases of parentification among migrants in Europe was also carried out. The research indicated two types of factors: favorable and preventing the occurrence of the phenomenon of social role conversion between Ukrainian children and their mothers. Parentification among children is a complex process. The results of the research are hypotheses and guidelines for further research.
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