European Universalism in Times of Crises

Keywords: European universalism, European values, excluding constraint, EU, Central Europe


The article presents a discussion on European universalism, the most important goal of which is to disseminate European values and ideas. Historically, universalism has been accompanied by a tendency towards economic and geopolitical expansion of the Western Europe great powers. The renaissance of European universalism took place along with the processes of European integration. A special condition for the revival of this universalism was, on the one hand, the strategy of left-wing intellectuals related to the rebuilding of political influence under the conditions of European integration. On the other hand, successive European crises provoked Eurosceptic moods, which prompted the pro-European elite to mobilize societies for the benefit of the European Union. The article discusses the latest version of European universalism, which was directed mainly inside the EU in order to counter-act disintegration and to base the integration project more closely on European values.


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