Leadership Models in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Keywords: North Korea, leadership, history, law, politics


This article analyzes leadership models in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). It concerns the three leaders ruling in successive historical periods, from 1948 (from the proclamation of the DPRK) to the present day. The aim of this article is to place the leadership types of North Korean dictators within the framework of political leadership theoretical concepts and then compare them with each other. This article’s main research problem is an attempt to answer the question: Are we dealing with a single model of political leadership in the DPRK, or maybe individual dictators, despite some similarities in the way they rule, are different from each other? After analyzing the way of coming to power, the characterological features, the circumstances and manner of governing, and changes made to the political system via changes to the Constitution, it was possible to point out differences and similarities in the leadership models of Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il and Kim Jong-un. In this article, the author uses the comparative, legal-dogmatic and historical analysis methods.


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