Economy, State, and Society as an Interpretative Triad of Attitudes Towards Protected Areas Among Its Residents. On the Example of Pieniny National Park in Poland

Keywords: national park, park buffer zone, park-people relationship, social awareness, local ties


This article addresses the issue of the attitude of local people towards protected areas. The subject of the analysis is a special area—the Pieniny National Park in Poland, which is an interesting mosaic of natural and man-made ecosystems. These areas stand out in terms of their historical heritage. The aim of the article is not only to create a descriptive analysis of the issue, but also to present an innovative structure of the diagnosis, which serves to solve the problem of adjustment of the basic spheres of human activity to the areas of natural value. The article therefore consists of two interrelated parts. In the first one, a theoretical structure is presented, built on the basis of key interpretative areas for the discussed issue: economy, state and society. The second part is a report from the conducted research, which supplements the basic concept with attempts at original systematization of the obtained results.


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