Protecting the American Way of Life as a Value in the US Cybersecurity Strategy

Keywords: American way of life, freedom, cyberspace, cybersecurity


The National Cybersecurity Strategy of the United States of America, issued in 2018 by the Donald Trump administration, indicated as the first pillar, among others, preserving the American way of life. The article aims to present the American way of life as a value that binds Americans, becomes symbols of America and at the same time is one of the political slogans of the Republican party. The American way of life consists of a number of features, including human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and association are legally protected, including in cyberspace. According to Trump, the development of the Internet has made one of the greatest advances since the industrial revolution, enabling great advances in trade, healthcare, communications and every element of the national infrastructure, and the United States aims to uphold the principles of protecting and promoting open, interoperable, reliable and secure Internet.


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