Enforcement of Custodial Sentence in the Light of Who Guidelines During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Poland on the Example of the Correctional Facility in Chełm

Keywords: epidemiological threat, Covid-19, WHO guidance, imprisonment, restrictions on the rights and freedoms of prisoners


During the Covid-19 pandemic, most of the rights of prisoners were clearly limited. These restrictions temporarily affected, among others, visits, out-of-prison employment, prison furloughs and access to religious services. The introduced restrictions significantly increased dissatisfaction among prisoners, which manifested in prison riots in Poland (e.g. in Chełm) and abroad. It should be noted, however, that the full exercise of all the rights and freedoms of prisoners in the conditions of pandemic is not possible, even if compliance with the WHO guidelines set out in the document of 15 March 2020 is ensured. These guidance has been followed rightfully in practice by most Polish prisons and pre-trial detention centres and there have been no reports of serious coronavirus disease outbreaks.


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