English Distributism as a Variant of the New Christian Civilization Taken as a Concrete Historical Ideal

Keywords: Jacques Maritain; Gilbert Keith Chesterton; Hilaire Belloc; distributism; the New Christian Civilization; Integral Humanism; Jean-Jacques Rousseau; democracy, person; general will


The aim of the work is to present English social philosophy of distributism as a variant of a concrete historical ideal of the New Christian Civilization, as proposed by a French Thomist, Jacques Maritain, in his Integral Humanism. The first part of the text present the idea of the New Christian Civilization in three important dimensions: political (personalist democracy), economic (economic pluralism) and cultural (Christian secular state). Second one's aim is to prove that all these three elements are analogically present in the structure of distributist thought. Third part, the shortest of all, presents differences that occur between English distributism and the thought of Jacques Maritain, due to which the two system can be compared not in the terms of identity, but only similarity, and which open perspectives for further research.


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