Ignorantia iuris nocet. On the Common Ignorance of the Law

  • Joanna Podczaszy University of Wroclaw, PhD student
Keywords: law; society; legislation; knowledge


In this paper, the author reflects on the level of knowledge of law in the society. In contemporary socio-legal relations the citizen is obliged to know and obey the law. However, the current policy of the law, in particular the way in which the information about legal regulations are spread, incomprehensible language of normative acts and multitude of new restrictions, make it difficult for individual unit to familiarize yourself with applicable law. Ignorance of the law makes that often the subjective rights of citizens are violated and disrespected. Moreover, the behaviour inconsistent with the provisions of the law may also expose individual unit to legal sanctions, often disproportionate to the committed action, or its omission.


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