Health Care as a Duty of the State. Evolution of the Polish Constitutional System in Terms of Health Rules
Guarantees of the right to health has evolved in convergence with the history of the modern political systems: from the individualistic approach, to the perception from the perspective of basic social needs. The aim of this study is to review Polish constitutions in terms of regulations determining the shape of state health policy. The evolution of provisions relating to the health aspect of social security, as well as the source of contemporary regulatory model has been outlined.
Polish regulations relating to health in a limited scale appeared in the March Constitution, to be degraded by the April Constitution. This was in line with the evolution of the political model, where the second mentioned constitution was a manifestation of tendency towards authoritarianism reluctant to guarantee the individual rights. The regulations relating to health policy has been widely expanded in 1952. The Constitution currently in force continues the approach initiated in the previous political model, but it shows symptoms of evolution in the direction of regulating health in context of its environmental and behavioral determinants. Further changes in this direction should be expected in future.
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