The „Saint” and „the non-saints” the Religious Profiles of Secondary School Students in Lublin Voivodship. On the Basis of Studies
Youth is the one social category, which apparently reflects the changes in awareness and behavior of actors. On the basis of the analysis of the attitudes of young people, you can attempt to predict the future of the processes taking place in social systems. Therefore, young people religion is an important object of sociological research from the point of view of the future of religion in Poland. This article is an attempt to present secondary school pupils of Lublin province religiosity profiles based on empirical studies carried out in 2010 on an 1841 respondents. These profiles, opposition in nature, highlighted on the basis of the declaration of desire to achieve holiness, show a varied approach young people, mostly Catholics, to the doctrine of the faith, preferring the ritualism and increased interest in the minority by the majority of religious formation. A group of people expressing the desire to be holy was named for convenience “the saints”, while the respondents reluctant to such a possibility were referred to as “non-saints”. Both groups differ quite significantly in terms of both the good times and religious acceptance of selected principles of faith, the level of knowledge and beliefs, ideals, values which they presented and patterns, as well as in the sphere of religious practices. As it turns out the person wishing to strive for holiness in all these areas receive higher ratings than young reluctant to this perspective, which means that my own desires shall designate in the decisive intellectual interest directions, activities and references to the worth. But not for the rest of you can be sure, which in this case is a cause and what is effect. Probably all these components influence each other and affect the final shape of the type of religiosity.
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