Phases of the Demographic Change in Poland
This article discusses a long-term demographic perspective for Poland. Irrespective of their diversified nature, the changes in the demographic structure of the Polish society have been evolutionary and took place in a phased manner. Starting with an early stage, when the birth rate was high, and ending in a situation where the number of newly-born children cannot make up for high mortality rate. It took over 200 years for Poland to move from phase I to V. The evolution has been strictly connected with the economic development of the country, including its urbanization, industrialization and social modernization. The aggravating population decline in the majority of the European states are about to evoke high-scale migration processes. The inevitable flow of migrants from the underdeveloped and developing parts of the world to Europe, and to EU in particular, will soon become a major social concern. The consequences of population displacements between continents will also affect its economic and political functioning.
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