The Status of Female in UN Documents and the Related Practices in Selected Countries of the World

  • Wojciech Stankiewicz University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Keywords: the position of women ; women's rights ; gender discrimination


The article aims at showing the situation of women all over the world. Despite many treaties, international provisions and organizations working for reducing discrimination against females, there are still instances of violation of women's rights. As a result of socio-cultural changes, which have occurred over several centuries, the male is seen as someone superior in the social hierarchy. However as a result of globalization, we can witness more and more often how the formation of the system of international law is taking place even in the most distant places in the world. These changes empower women for their fight for rights. Thanks to the increasing globalization and the development of international communication the information indicating the existence of a wellestablished system of international law reaches women from distant places of the world much more often. A regular flow of such information raises the level of self-awareness of women making them want to fight for their own will and freedom of existence, the opportunity to decide for themselves about themselves. In some countries, e.g. Arabic or African, for several years now, women have been systematically attempting to fight for their own rights, but it has also often been the case that because of their efforts, they ended up in a worse situation than before. This fact effectively prevents women from striving for their rights, e.g. women victims in courts. Unfortunately, in many cases women (especially in African countries) remain passive to the abuses of men.


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