Pivotal Areas of Political Consultancy

  • Mariusz Kolczyński University of Silesia in Katowice
Keywords: elections; political campaigns; political consultancy; market research; political communication


The emergence of a new category of political actors - professional consultants or political advisors and the development of political advice industry as well as the wider political or campaign services was caused by the objective requirements of a rational and maximally efficient use of resources (human, financial and technological) that are at the disposal of the various political entities in the campaigns and projects carried out in a complex and turbulent political environment. Also worth considering is that in spite of solutions developed by political practice, political consultants are completely distinct professional group, whose aim is to assist in the effective and compliant way with industry rules of political organization management during all activities carried out on the political market. A special role is dedicated to consultants participating in the process of acquiring, processing and distribution of information (for research and media-communication consultants).


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