Towards High Quality Public Administration. Lawfulness and Creativity

  • Stanisław Wójcik The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Social Science
Keywords: public governance; bureaucracy; civil service; local policy


Public governance constitutes an integral part of the state, and so it cannot be analysed in separation from the whole of the state's political structure. The predominant concentration of power and influence on the highest level of the state’s structure is a threat to diversity, cultural richness and the idea of participation of local communities. It leads to dull uniformity and thoughtless execution of official procedures. The quality of governance depends on the ability of the state to effectively manage diversity. The optimal strategy of a contemporary state is to consolidate the idea of lawfulness with that of service for the interests of the citizens and for the generally understood humanism. This is why we presently witness an increasing interest in improving the quality of administration and developing new ways of governance. Enhancing administrative quality evokes hopes that the citizen can become someone of import to the state official and to the public servant.
