Formal aspects of „the nature of politics and society”. An analysis of the „university in exile”, 1933–1945

  • Peter Gostmann Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
  • Thomas Meyer Vanderbilt University, Nashville
Keywords: New School for Social Research; Exile; Nature of Politics; Science studies; Cluster analysis


The purpose of this text is to gain a new perspective on the „University in Exile” established 1933 at New School for Social Research (New York) to endow some of Europe’s most brilliant social scientists of the epoch a safe area of intellectual discourse beyond the oppressions of the Fascist regimes in their native countries. The authors analyse the distribution and characteristics of the members’ power to shape faculty’s collective conduct concerning the quest for the nature of politics and society. The method applied is a cluster analysis factoring in the dimensions of occupational continuity, internal visibility, functional representation and interfacultative participation.


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