The Democraticness of the Vote Weighting Systems in the Council of the European Union

  • Marcin Kleinowski Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
  • Jacek Czaputowicz University of Warsaw
Keywords: Council of the European Union; voting power; nice voting system; double majority voting system; democracy deficit


The aim of the paper is to determine whether the Lisbon double majority system better meets the criteria of democraticness than the Nice system. In order to answer this question the voting systems in the Council of the European Union – the Nice system was compared with the current system of double majority. The article analyses the concordance of these voting systems with the principle of equivalence of vote. The research shows that formal voting power in the Nice system is more proportionate to the square root of the number of population than in the Lisbon double majority system. The democraticness of the voting system in the UE was also weakened by including to the population member states inhabitants who are not their citizens.


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