Znaczenie społecznej roli w postrzeganiu świata

  • Mariusz Zemło The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Social Science
Keywords: social roles; the perception of the world; school environment; teachers' and students' opinions about school; sociology of knowledge


The following text shows the significance of the social role in the perception of the world. It works in accordance with Ralph Linton's proposed concept of the social role in accepting that a given position within the social structure, influences one's interpretation of the preceived reality. The research was concluded focusing on the main actors within the school environment: the students and the teachers, who were the sole participants in the reseach and form its basis. The parameters that were measured had differing views in the world that they perceive. A note was made on the opinions about; firstly, the school normative systems, secondly on the behaviour of students towards others in general and thirdly on sources of deviant behaviours. This spectrum of percetion was measured and quantified between the two respected parties in the cases of the following independent variables: varying degrees of identification or belonging to a school environment and how school types (private or public) influence the results of both students and teachers, furthermore it attempts to shed light on the basis of their views.


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