Self-Proclaimed Republics in Ukrainian Donbas: Pretended quasi-States

  • Igor Lyubashenko SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Keywords: Ukraine; Russia; Donetsk People’s Republic; Luhansk People’s Republic; Quasi-states; separatism; conflict


The article analyzes the separatist organizations, which came to existence in the east of Ukraine in 2014 - Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics. The author analyzes the basic determinants of survival of these quasi-state entities: the political factor (agreement in the structures of power and elites of the quasi-state on their ultimate political objective); social factor (high level of public support to achieve this objective); economic factors (available financial and material resources); low potential of a parent state; patronage of external actor. Available data indicate that analysed self-proclaimed republics lack political or economic binder. On the other hand, there is a relatively high probability of strengthening of public support among local inhabitants for both organisations. Analysed entities constitute primarily a convenient tool for the conduct of specific foreign policy of the Russian Federation towards Ukraine.


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