The Presidential and Parliamentary Style of the Election Campaign
The article is an attempt to present proposals for two election campaign models – presidential and parliamentary. In the journalistic and political science language, the terms ‘presidential marketing’ and ‘parliamentary marketing’ are frequently used, but literature and scientific articles lack wider theoretical reflection on these categories. This text in no place aspires to create the only and universally applicable concept. The author’s intention is to present his own proposal and subject it to scientific discussion. The starting point for building this proposal were the most common concepts in the world literature (‘candidate in the election campaign’, ‘comprehensive political marketing’, ‘evolution of election campaigns’ and ‘concept of contemporary election campaign models’), but mainly based on the proposal of Marek Jeziński, who over dozen years ago presented models shots of the presidential, parliamentary and self-governmental campaign. The “presidential model” dichotomy – the “parliamentary model” is based on the following criteria: (1) political system conditions, (2) election aim and winner issue (3) nominations of candidates, (4) main campaign product, (5) electoral strategy and (6) the presentation of the campaign in mass media.
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Federal Election Commission, (dostęp: 20.02.2018).
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