Forced Migration in the Post-Soviet Area: Origin and Consequences of the Phenomenon

  • Andrzej Szabaciuk The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Social Science
Keywords: post-Soviet area; Russian Federation; forced migrations; internally displaced people


The aim of the article is to familiarize the problem of forced migration in the post-Soviet area in the context of socio-political processes taking place there. It is crucial to highlight the causes, nature, effects and scale of mass forced migration caused by armed conflicts, persecution of certain national, ethnic, religious groups, and by discrimination. The inability to regulate these conflicts brings the risk of further destabilization of the region, which will make difficult to provide effective assistance to the victims of military convicts in the region, which may have a significant impact on the security not only of the post-Soviet area, but also of neighbouring regions, including Central Europe and generally the entire European Union.


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