Global Strategy and the Redefinition of the European Union’s Policy in its Neighbourhood

  • Beata Piskorska The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Social Science
Keywords: Global Strategy of the EU; European Neighbourhood Policy; the EU’s neighbours; the EU’s role in international relations


The immediate neighbourhood and the processes that are taking place here represent a significant challenge for the European Union from its very beginning. Recently there have been overlapping crises and transformations that have a significant impact on the whole region, but also on the shape of EU foreign and security policy. These include the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine from 2014, annexation of the Crimea by Russia, and consequently the destabilization of Ukraine itself and the whole region.

The aim of the article is to answer the question of the direction of the redefinition of the European Union's foreign and security policy in its neighborhood, based on newly adopted strategic documents such as the 2016 Global Strategy of the European Union, its original version – European Security Strategy and closely related European Union Neighborhood Policy from 2015.

This article will answer the basic research questions: To what extent has the European Union adopted the newly adopted Global Strategy to reformulate its role and identity in the world?, What are the bases, goals and scope of the EU’s policy change vis-à-vis its neighbourhood, both theoritical and practical?, Is the EU neighbourhood revision helpful in the context of the region’s changes?


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