The Readership of Sixth-Form Pupils in 2005

  • Justyna Truskolaska Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty in Stalowa Wola
Keywords: reading; level of reading interests; pupil and book; education to reading activity


The paper depicts the findings of a study of readership conducted in 2005 on a non-representative group of 178 subjects – all of them sixth-form pupils. The study was designed to present the reading interests among children – the kind of reading lists, how they obtain books, the influence of teachers, librarians, parents, and peers in the choice of books. Some attempts have been made to answer the question whether an encounter with literary figures in computer games encourages young people to take a book about the same hero. The findings indicate a fairly good level of readership among the children under study, two direction of reading, and the average interest in topics. Girls read more than boys and the modern electronic media can help in education.


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