The Christian Conception of Self-Formation

  • Roman Jusiak Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: formation; self-formation; Christian self-formation; asceticism; auto-formation; self-knowledge; self-evaluation; ideal; pattern; patter of religion; Christianity


Thorough analyses of the formative process prove that it is effective only when at a certain stage it evokes in the disciple the will to work on his or her self-formation. It consists in conscious and voluntary work to form oneself, to set non-personal goals for oneself, and adopt a creative attitude toward them. This effort tends to make a mature and integrated personality.

Self-formation in the Christina approach is to work on one's versatile development directed at salvation. This kind of activity is a consequence of Christian faith in which the person through baptism becomes spiritually regenerated and called to be clothed with Jesus Christ (Gal 3:27). In practice, this means that one is working to be like Christ in thoughts and deeds. The faith in Christ ensures a radical transformation and complete development through self-knowledge, self-evaluation, and respective actions to live in truth and love.
