Money and Monetary Policy in Poland

  • Agnieszka Stolarska Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: bank; central bank; inflation; money; monetary policy


Money is all that which is universally accepted in the form of payment for goods and services, debt repayment. It occurred in various forms. First there were skins, shells, salt, etc., then gold, silver, or other metals. Now it is paper, deposit, electronic money. Monetary policy embraces actions taken in economy designed to supply subjects with money and credit. The central bank is responsible for monetary policy in the state; it uses banks to transmit its own impulses. The basic goal of the National Bank of Poland is determined by the Polish Constitution and the Law of the National Bank of Poland of 2nd August 1998. Thje goal is very general, therefore in practice it calls for making concrete proposals. The central bank understands stability of prices as the rate of inflation so low that it will not have any negative impact on investments, savings, and other decisions of economic life. Monetary policy in Poland is based on BCI. Its basic goal in 2005 was a possibly rapid return of inflation to the range of fluctuations, and then approximate 2.5%.


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