Brazil as an Example of Regional Empire

  • Marcin Czarnacki Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: Brazil; regional empire; regional power; Latin America; power; sovereignty


The globalisation and regionalisation processes, that take place in modern world have not, however, eradicated the division of the world into numerous influence zones of the main regional economies, that is, regional power. Brazil – the Latin America’s biggest country – is an example of such a power.

The purpose of this article aims to present Brazil as the, above mentioned, regional power, by means of the fundamental socio-economical factors (such as GDP, population figure or the military potential), against a background of other countries seen as empires (for example the USA, China, Russia).

In the first part of the article there has been presented the evolution of the thought concerning the notions such as ‘country’, ‘sovereignty’, ‘power’ and ‘empire’. In the second part, there has been made a comparative analysis of Brazil with regard to selected countries perceived as empires or claiming to be one of them.


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