Freedom and Education. Looking for praxiological Solutions
The essential problem of the present article can be reduced to an attempt to find the answers to three questions: What is freedom in its essence? What is the connection between freedom and education? How can we enable a man to properly develop freedom and to useit?
The analysis undertaken in the article besides the answers to the above questions shows theoretical foundations of education for freedom. It also allows the reader to acquaint himself with selected ways of understanding freedom (St. John Chrysostom's; J. J. Rousseau's; R. Steiner's; J. Maritain's; J. Salij's; S. Hessen's; S. Szuman's and A. Neill's) with special emphasis on the views of two thinkers: the ancient philosopher Epictetus (born in 50 A.D) and the founder of the Comunione e Liberazione movement, Luigi Giussani (died on 22 February 2005).
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