The Rise and Evolution of Central Banking
The rise of central banking in the world and in Poland has become necessary. The desire for economic evolution in particular countries forced them to look for finances and also for proper ways of investing them. Moreover, the issue of money by private banks contributed to many crises. The history of central banking in Poland goes back to the beginning of the 17th century. It started with a discussion – that lasted over 60 years – over setting up a public bank. It was set up only in1828, and then closed down in 1885. The further history of central banking in Poland depended on the economic situation obtaining at the moment in the country, as well as on the political situation. At the time when Poland was partitioned mainly the occupant countries' banks worked. When Poland recovered its independence the main task was the settlement of the monetary circulation and of the credit, supporting the stability of the new currency, and the economic development of the country. After World War II the new government and the new system brought a central bank that was entirely dependent on the state. The present shape of the central bank is the result of evolution and transformation of the Polish state and of the banking system.
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