Monuments and Architectonic Objects as Symbols the Form Identity of the Place

  • Jarosław Załęcki University of Gdansk
Keywords: socjologia miasta; miejsce; tożsamość miejsca; tożsamość społeczna; identyfikacja z miejscem (miastem); przestrzeń miasta; przestrzeń znacząca; semiotyka przestrzeni miejskiej; centrum symboliczne miasta


Gdańsk is a very interesting object of research. It is here that the process of making the Polish society subject-oriented started in 1980; it is here that originated the “Autumn of the Peoples in 1989”. This city has a many-aged tradition in which one may find Polish, Kashoubian, German, Hanzeatic, and Netherlandic manifestations of the creative spirit. The paper sought to show the semeiotic landscape of Gdańsk, therefore those elements, which consitute its differentia specifica. The symbols of the city are among the essential grounds upon which to form the character and identity of the city. In the light of the research, Gdańsk appears to be a city that is distinctly different from other Polish citites, and it is mainly its monuments and numerous historic places that join the impact of many cultures. The enormous symbolical force is concentrated in architecture and monuments and it enhances the sense of roots. It is owing to them that one can distinctly feel that the place is unique, feel its specific character and prestige.


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